About this blog

Welcome to Redmond Recap.

This site provides a professional view into the world of Microsoft technology. This is not a site dealing with news and rumors – there are plenty of those, and most of them very professional. Redmond Recap aims deeper, at providing a cogitated, real-life infused view of things. The primary goal is to provide good-quality information for technology selection and product understanding.

The principal author is Jouni Heikniemi, a veteran IT consultant based in Helsinki, Finland. Jouni has been working in the IT field since 1995. Having passed through roles from helpdesk to business owner, developer to CTO and sysadmin to project manager, he has seen most of it. Currently, Jouni is CEO and Consultant at Offbeat Solutions, a company he’s running with four other senior Microsoft architects. When not dabbling with the business, he often speaks at conferences and expert groups. He is also the Microsoft Regional Director in Finland.

Feel free to contact us by email at jouni (a) redmond-recap.com. Feedback on the blog comments is, of course, also welcome.